Friday, March 29, 2013

Speak no evil and a look at this weeks doodles

This week like most just flew by so fast. Even though I was busy with school work I was able to make some time for drawing. For me like most people, time is precious. I absolutely detest wasting time on anything! From the moment I wake up till the moment I crawl into bed, i'm continuously doing something productive. Even when I watch TV I'm generally always doing something like drawing, cleaning, cooking, or homework. Most everything I do is in hopes to fine tune my skills for when I graduate. When I browse Tumblr or youtube I'm usually researching tutorials, art styles, different jobs in my field and hopefully some pointers. This is probably the reason why the days just fly by. I honestly can't remember the last time I was actually bored.

Anyways as you noticed I did some monster concept sketches this week. One of the things I would like to explore this year is drawing more than the human figure. Sometimes it's nice to have a change and draw something completely unreal from the imagination. I got my inspiration for the monster on the top left corner from watching Silent Hill II. As I was watching the movie I was fascinated with whoever the monster concept artist was. The monsters they had were so creatively done that I actually went and looked the artists up and their portfolios. Unfortunately their websites didn't have much for me to see, but nonetheless it inspired me to draw something bizarre. 

I hope everyone's week was fun filled, and if it wasn't I hope the weekend will be more fun!

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