Monday, March 18, 2013

Soul eating and SPLAT!

I finally finished "soul eater"! After working on it on and off for a few days I can say it's done. A few days for me is a quite long time for me to work on something. The reason being is if I work on something for too long I'm bound to get a new idea and work on that instead of my original piece. I probably spent so much time on it because I had issues deciding what I wanted her to wear and what I wanted her back piece to look like.

    This piece I focused on adding more detail than I usually add. I'm pretty satisfied for the moment on the results. I see flaws but then again I always see flaws. Although seeing improvement (no matter how small) encourages me to work even harder on my next piece.

"Splat" (the piece above) was actually done right after I finished "Soul eater" (aka no social life). I was still in a drawing mood and wanted to do something very quickly just to get a simple idea out. The idea I had was lots of color, female and something mechanical. I also practiced a new technique which requires shading in black and white first then adding color later. At first I was scared I would have to scrap the piece but after I figured it out, the outcome was satisfactory. Actually, more people preferred this piece over "soul eater" which I found amusing considering I spent very little time on this. On to my next project which I haven't really decided on yet!

Hope everyone had a grand weekend! Cheers!

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