Friday, March 29, 2013

Speak no evil and a look at this weeks doodles

This week like most just flew by so fast. Even though I was busy with school work I was able to make some time for drawing. For me like most people, time is precious. I absolutely detest wasting time on anything! From the moment I wake up till the moment I crawl into bed, i'm continuously doing something productive. Even when I watch TV I'm generally always doing something like drawing, cleaning, cooking, or homework. Most everything I do is in hopes to fine tune my skills for when I graduate. When I browse Tumblr or youtube I'm usually researching tutorials, art styles, different jobs in my field and hopefully some pointers. This is probably the reason why the days just fly by. I honestly can't remember the last time I was actually bored.

Anyways as you noticed I did some monster concept sketches this week. One of the things I would like to explore this year is drawing more than the human figure. Sometimes it's nice to have a change and draw something completely unreal from the imagination. I got my inspiration for the monster on the top left corner from watching Silent Hill II. As I was watching the movie I was fascinated with whoever the monster concept artist was. The monsters they had were so creatively done that I actually went and looked the artists up and their portfolios. Unfortunately their websites didn't have much for me to see, but nonetheless it inspired me to draw something bizarre. 

I hope everyone's week was fun filled, and if it wasn't I hope the weekend will be more fun!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Soul eating and SPLAT!

I finally finished "soul eater"! After working on it on and off for a few days I can say it's done. A few days for me is a quite long time for me to work on something. The reason being is if I work on something for too long I'm bound to get a new idea and work on that instead of my original piece. I probably spent so much time on it because I had issues deciding what I wanted her to wear and what I wanted her back piece to look like.

    This piece I focused on adding more detail than I usually add. I'm pretty satisfied for the moment on the results. I see flaws but then again I always see flaws. Although seeing improvement (no matter how small) encourages me to work even harder on my next piece.

"Splat" (the piece above) was actually done right after I finished "Soul eater" (aka no social life). I was still in a drawing mood and wanted to do something very quickly just to get a simple idea out. The idea I had was lots of color, female and something mechanical. I also practiced a new technique which requires shading in black and white first then adding color later. At first I was scared I would have to scrap the piece but after I figured it out, the outcome was satisfactory. Actually, more people preferred this piece over "soul eater" which I found amusing considering I spent very little time on this. On to my next project which I haven't really decided on yet!

Hope everyone had a grand weekend! Cheers!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Trying out new styles

As you might have noticed I was able to find time during the week to get some art time in. It's a bit crazy how obsessed I can be with art and design. I'm fully determined to at least double my skill by the end of the year. Usually when I'm determined to do something, I get it done.

I started this blog in hopes that I can encourage other people who have a strong desire to become better artist but perhaps feel overwhelmed. I sometimes too feel overwhelmed and helpless at times when I see other artist who just sneeze and produce mater pieces. But we all have to remember that everyone started off as a nobody and worked to get where they are today. I don't consider myself a great artist by far but to get at where I am today I had to put in the hours. To get where I want to be by the end of the year I'll have to keep working hard. But this isn't an issue with me because when you love doing something time has no meaning.

Alright, so what you are seeing above are my experiments. I wanted to try out drawing in comic book style which was very fun but a bit of a challenge to get used to the style. Up left is my boyfriend as a made up comic book hero. It was entertaining and my boyfriend loved it. I do plan on doing some more pieces in this style but for now i'm working on a digital illustration which I hope to post sometime during the next week. In the meantime I'll probably post some of my doodles. 


Saturday, March 9, 2013


This past week has been extremely hectic since I was getting ready to head back to Taiwan on Friday to start my spring semester. I'm still very jet lagged and probably could use more sleep. But after finishing all my errands this morning I got the itch to draw something. I had actually done the rough sketch for this last week but hadn't found the time to finish it. I like the overall look of it and it was a fun piece to draw. Will probably draw in this style a bit more before I go back and work on my more realistic art style.

 Anyways I hope I can upload some more stuff this week if i'm not too overwhelmed with homework. Knowing me I'll make time during the week or weekend.