Monday, April 22, 2013

Completed art project

Even though midterms are officially over that doesn't quite mean my work is over. Nonetheless when class was over Friday I felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. My last midterm to turn in was an art project I had been working on for over a week (the images below). Granted it didn't take me seven straight days to finish (probably 10hrs) but as I've mentioned before this piece was actually very annoying due to its size. Being that I live in a very small apartment this piece didn't fit on my desk, and in order to color everything I had to keep rotating it and re positioning it while not bending the paper too much.  Even though it was troublesome it eventually was completed after watching many episodes of Star Trek and was rather pleased with it. 

The meaning to this piece is simple but is something I try to live by in my personal life. The female represents yourself and everything behind represents all the trouble and experiences we go through in life. The clocks are an obvious representation of time and the monsters are a representation of our demons or the terrible people/experiences we encounter in our time. These monsters or "demons" try to drag us down and keep us from looking forward and having a positive outlook on life. Whether we encounter disappointment,  death, hate, sorrow, guilt or any other of these dreadful feelings we have to be strong and keep moving. The female glancing back tells us that we mustn't forget our past, we just can't let it drag us down. I didn't take a full picture but in front of her there is about 3inches of white space, that represents the future and our ability to control our future. The other human heads represent the people we meet in our lives whether they be a beneficial influence or not, they make us who we are today. In conclusion I wanted this piece to tell people that life is never easy but we can be strong and  make the best out of it.

Before I forget the materials used were: Prisma color, Poster color (gold parts), Comic book ink (black lines/areas)
I hope everyone was able to enjoy their weekend! Cheers!

If you're interested you can check out my DeviantArt and Facebook for more updates and artwork. 

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